Why Should City Commuters Care About Ebikes?

Why Should City Commuters Care About Ebikes?

City commutersAccording to a recent report, only about 10% of American workers commute to work on bikes these days. The vast majority of people (about 75%) choose to drive their cars to work as opposed to riding their bikes or using public transportation.

This same report suggests that this might be because many American cities don't accommodate city commuters who would like to bike to work. It pointed to a list of the 50 most bike-friendly cities in the world that only included three U.S. cities (San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle) on it.

This appears to be changing, though. Many big cities in this country, including New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, and others, are beginning to make a push to put bike lanes into place.

You should take full advantage of this by kicking around the idea of investing in an Ebike designed for a city commuter in 2022. Here are seven benefits you'll enjoy when you obtain a city commuter bike and start putting it to good use.

1. Makes Your Daily Commute to Work More Predictable

The U.S. Census Bureau recently found that the average person spends more than 27 minutes commuting one way to work each day. This is a record high and indicates just how much time people devote to commuting to work on a regular basis.

Part of the reason why people are spending so much time commuting to and from work nowadays is because of the increase in traffic throughout the country. Many cities have become more congested than ever before, and it has forced people to sit in traffic on many days while driving to and from work.

City commuters will obviously still need to spend some time getting to and from work when they're on Ebikes. But they'll often find that their daily commutes will be so much more predictable than they would otherwise.

You'll be able to map out your workdays more effectively when you ride a high-quality city commuter Ebike to your office versus climbing behind the wheel of a car to get there or using public transportation.

2. Ensures You're Able to Get a Workout In Each Workday

The CDC has reported that about 75% of Americans aren't getting the recommended amount of exercise on a weekly basis. People should be exercising for about 150 minutes per week, but many of them fall short of doing it.

If you know that you're missing the mark when it comes to getting enough exercising, buying an Ebike could change that almost immediately. Even if you only spend 15 minutes on your Ebike in the morning and 15 minutes on it at night, it'll allow you to get 150 minutes of exercise per week.

You should look into securing something like a hybrid bike that will provide you with smooth riding so that you can make the most of your workouts. You won't necessarily feel like you're working out when you're on one, but you'll set your body up with the exercise it needs.

3. Saves You a Whole Lot of Money

Buying a new car has become very expensive. Putting gas in a car can also cost you a pretty penny in this day and age thanks to the rising fuel prices at the pump.

With these things in mind, you'll love how much money you're able to save when you invest in one of the Ebikes for city commuters and use it to get to and from work. You might be able to bring your expenses down by hundreds of dollars every month in some cases.

You will, of course, need to make an initial investment in an Ebike that is built for city commuters. But once you do that, you should be able to sit back and count up all the money you're able to save every month.

4. Allows You to Do Your Small Part to Help the Planet

Cities all across the world account for right around 70% of the global CO2 emissions. These CO2 emissions are largely to blame for the climate change crisis that is taking place right now.

City commuters aren't going to be able to reverse this alarming trend on their own. But if you live in a city that is responsible for contributing to the crisis, you can help bring its CO2 emissions down just a little by riding an Ebike to work versus driving a car or using public transportation.

Your decision to use an Ebike to commute to and from work might be just a small drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things. But who knows? You might show other people that relying on an Ebike is doable, and it could start a new trend that offers some hope to those in your city when it comes to climate change.

5. Cuts Down on the Congestion in Your City

One of the reasons why cities account for such a large percentage of the global CO2 emissions is because most of them are extremely congested. This list of the most congested cities in the U.S. demonstrates just how congested the city streets in places like Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York City, and others are.

If you're sick and tired of seeing cars, trucks, and SUVs crammed onto the streets in your city, you should aim to do something about it. You can help to reduce your city's congestion problem by picking up an Ebike and using it to get around.

6. Gives You a Chance to Experience Everything Your City Offers

If you drive a car to work every day or use public transportation to commute, you probably don't spend very much time soaking up everything your city has to offer. More often than not, you likely have your sights set on getting to and from work in the quickest way possible.

You're still going to do this on many days when you're utilizing an Ebike to commute to and from work. But you will find that you'll occasionally want to travel off the beaten path to explore your city a little more than you would otherwise.

One of the best parts about living in a big city like NYC or LA is that it'll give you an opportunity to see and do so many things that you wouldn't be able to see and do in small towns. So why not take advantage of this by exploring your city more and seeing what it can provide for you?

The best way to do this will be by jumping on an Ebike every morning to head to work and then using it to get back home at night. There is no telling what you might see along the way that will open up your eyes to what your city can provide.

7. Lets You Bring Your Stress Levels Way Down

The American Institute of Stress has found that more than half of all American adults are stressed out throughout the course of a normal day. That makes the U.S. one of the most stressed-out countries in the whole world.

If you're someone who is always struggling with stress, driving to and from work or using public transportation to travel to and from work might be adding to your stress levels. You may walk into work each morning more stressed out than you should be and find that you're stressed out beyond belief by the time you get back home at night.

You can combat this stress by leaving your car at home and putting your public transportation pass away so that you can ride an Ebike to and from work. The simple act of riding a bike will help you blow off steam and melt all your stress away.

You're always going to have to deal with at least a little bit of stress, especially when you live in a big city. But you can stop stress from having a detrimental impact on your life by joining all of the other city commuters who have started to use Ebikes to get around.

City Commuters Can Benefit From Riding Ebikes in a Big Way

Now that you've learned about all the benefits of Ebikes in our Ebike guide, you should see why it would make so much sense for you to join all the other city commuters who already ride them on a daily basis. You'll be able to benefit from buying a city commuter bike in lots of different ways.

We can help you get your hands on the right Ebike if you would like to purchase one. It'll set you up with the city style that you're looking for and make getting to and from work a breeze from now on.

Contact us for additional information on our various Ebike options.

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